When do you need a curly wig?

There are two options:

First, you have curly or wavy hair. It becomes your savior when you don’t have time or don’t want to style your hair. I’ve worn it to the theater, exhibitions, and eventually to the store.

The second option is you have straight hair, but you like to style it curly for special occasions. Then, it allows you to quickly get what you want without wasting extra time. It’s important that you know in advance what the outcome will look like.

There are many ways to curl hair. The imagination of stylists is unlimited. More and more new styling methods are constantly emerging. It’s impossible to describe everything at once. You can’t try everything on your hair at once, of course, you can try slowly.

I suggest you consider two curly wigs today. I chose styles with roughly the same length—shoulder length. Of course, there are others—shorter and longer, we’ll look at those next time.

I really like comparing these two models. When there are only two options, you can consider these two options in detail. By comparison, all features become more apparent.

Generally, shoulder-length wigs are a fairly convenient choice. Longer styles may be more impressive, but they are slightly more difficult to wear and maintain. Shoulder-length wigs fully highlight feminine charm and are also easier to wear.

Moreover, long curly hair is mainly suitable for young people. Medium length suits everyone, no matter the age. It looks quite modest, not too provocative. At the same time, it’s elegant and beautiful. Suitable for those who like thick hairstyles.


Traditional Twists vs. Wet-Look Curls

Traditional Twists vs. Wet-Look Curls


The first one has well-defined and more traditional twisted curls. Please note – they create a spectacular and very obvious volume. The general shape is oval. Individual curls may fall on the forehead. This gives the hairstyle vitality and a natural feel.

But if you wish, you can remove the hair on the forehead. Both wigs have a modern hairline. It is transparent, so it is invisible.

The second mimics the so-called wet styling. But the curls inside are also quite large. Just the shape is completely different. They might be bolder, even a bit provocative. But only slightly. A mild challenge and a moderate combination are usually important characteristics of fashionable hairstyles. In this case, the general shape is a bob with straight edges.

Choosing the Perfect Curly Wig

Choosing the Perfect Curly Wig

Due to different contours, these hairstyles suit women with different face shapes. Usually, we know whether an oval or square shape suits us better. Anyway, it’s recommended to try on both wigs. It’s hard to predict what will turn out better.

In general, the ability to curl hair in different ways gives us a lot of room for imagination. Women who love perming like me are well aware of this. You’re always looking for some new techniques.

Here, we are provided with two different ready-made options. There’s no need to experiment on your hair to find the best curling method. There’s no need to waste time doubting the outcome. All you have to do is try on and choose your option. It can be perfectly stored on a stand in the closet and is ready to use anytime.

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