Pixie Wigs: A Fashionable Expression of Identity

Pixie wigs, short hairpieces that reveal the face and neck contours, offer a variety of styling options. This hairstyle became popular in the 1950s, initially adorned by actresses such as Audrey Hepburn and Jean Seberg on the movie screen. With the sexual revolution of the 1960s, more and more prominent women opted for this bold hairstyle, gradually making it a norm. Over time, the pixie wig made a comeback in the early 90s with a softer shape, volume, and femininity.

Icons like Princess Diana, Linda Evangelista, and Winona Ryder embraced pixie wigs. Today, they are no longer solely associated with the concept of gender equality but are linked to the expression of a vibrant personality.

Currently, pixie wigs have regained popularity, symbolizing a new phase in life, a complete change, and a fresh image for many.

Who Suits a Pixie Wig?

Who Suits a Pixie Wig?

With numerous shapes and variations, pixie wigs suit different types of face shapes, hair, and ages. The key is finding the right style that feels comfortable and easy to wear.

Suitable for Various Face Shapes

Pixie wigs maximally expose the face and neck, making them a perfect fit for oval and elongated face shapes, as they can enhance facial features and highlight the shape. For other face types, it’s advisable to consult a professional before choosing this hairstyle.

Age is Not a Barrier

Age does not limit one’s ability to don a pixie wig. It equally suits both young individuals and those over 50, offering a range of styles from short to long, and from subdued to avant-garde.

Fits All Hair Types

Almost every hair type can find a suitable pixie wig version. It is especially favorable for those with dry, fine hair, as it can add volume. Even in its simplest form, curly hair presents a distinct aesthetic.

Popular Pixie Wig Styles in 2022

Bangs Pixie Wig

A great choice for those wanting to modify their face shape. Asymmetrical long bangs can add expressiveness to rectangular faces or wide foreheads.

Curly Pixie Wig

Pixie wigs look fantastic on curly hair, requiring minimal additional styling if the right shape is chosen. Medium length styles are particularly popular for curly hair.

Long Pixie Wig

Ideal for various face shapes and age groups, long pixie wigs are the perfect choice for those not ready for a drastic change. This style can serve as a comfortable intermediate step between long and super short hair.

Shaved Temple Pixie Wig

Suitable for those willing to experiment boldly. This style of pixie wig requires regular maintenance and is fit for those ready to visit the stylist regularly or manage it at home. You can opt for shaving one or both temples, with longer hair on top that can be combed to the side or back.

Asymmetrical Pixie Wig

A versatile style choice suitable for any face shape. Long bangs can be swept to the side or left slightly disheveled, creating a unique look. Monochrome or soft techniques, like gradient colors, are particularly appealing.

Styling Tips for Pixie Wigs

Styling Tips for Pixie Wigs

Pixie wigs are popular for their versatility, with many styles wearable without styling or requiring minimal effort.

Alexander Goldman: “The main advantage of pixie wigs is the freedom to cut and style as desired. Many people like to use a brush for styling, but I prefer using heat protection and sea salt spray to add texture and volume.”

Creating a light, slightly disheveled look at home with a pixie wig is simple:

  • Wash your hair.
  • Apply your favorite styling product to slightly damp hair.
  • Distribute the product evenly, being careful not to overuse it.
  • Blow-dry your hair.
  • Use your fingers to comb and arrange the strands as you like.

Transitioning Styles After a Pixie Wig

Changing your style after a pixie wig can be painless and quick if not undergoing a radical change. You can smoothly transition to longer hairstyles. However, as pixie wigs are gradient styles, regular trims are needed to maintain neatness. Long bangs can be secured with clips or combed back and fixed with styling products.

Expert Commentary

“Pixie wigs are incredibly diverse. For each customer, there’s a unique hairstyle choice, as the style of this haircut should be selected based on the individual’s face shape, appearance, and personality.

There are no age limits. You shouldn’t give up on this fashionable hairstyle just because you’re over 18. You can choose shapes and styles that suit any occasion. Most importantly, it should make you happy every day. If you’re not ready to try, you should opt for classic options rather than very short ones. Moreover, many women opt for a pixie cut because it’s easy to style at home.

The main trend for this hairstyle in 2022 is asymmetry. This classic piece is diluted with bold, torn lines, creating messy or separated styles. Nowadays, this modification is often seen among influencers and celebrities.

You can choose classic options—short sides, nape, and small bangs. Thinning all strands is also necessary. For the daring, there is an ultra-short modification: hair of equal length (about 2-3 cm). But it’s not suitable for everyone. This type of pixie is best suited for oval and regular facial features.

The pixie bob hairstyle visually resembles a shorter version of the bob. The hair at the nape is cut off, while the forehead and sides are kept elongated. It helps those who want to move away from a short pixie or, conversely, those who are hesitant to pursue it. It’s a middle option, a compromise.

In the pixie hairstyle, the length of the hair should cover the earlobes. Its beauty lies in the fact that the strands are layered cut, with each layer underneath shorter than the one on top. The hair ends are tapered. Thanks to this technique, additional volume is created.

The long bangs pixie hairstyle. This option will never become boring because the bangs can be modified according to your preference. You can straighten them, tear them, or slant them.”

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