The sight of lawyers and judges wearing wigs in courtrooms, especially in countries like the United Kingdom and former British colonies, is a curious tradition that has intrigued many. This article explores why lawyers wear wigs, the historical background of this practice, and the symbolic meanings associated with it.

Historical Background

Origins of Legal Wigs

The tradition of wearing wigs in court dates back to the 17th century. It was during the reign of Charles II of England (1660โ€“1685) that wigs became a popular fashion among the upper classes, including the legal profession. Initially, wigs were a symbol of status and wealth, worn by those who could afford them.

  • 17th Century Fashion: Wigs became fashionable in Europe as a result of the French influence under King Louis XIV, who wore a wig to cover his baldness. This trend was adopted by the English aristocracy and professionals, including lawyers.

Establishment in the Legal Profession

By the late 1600s, wigs had become an integral part of English court dress. This tradition was solidified in the 18th century when legal dress codes were formalized, including the requirement for lawyers and judges to wear wigs.

  • Formalization of Dress Codes: Legal dress codes were established to bring uniformity and decorum to the courts. Wigs, along with robes, became symbols of the legal professionโ€™s dignity and authority.


Why do British Attorneys Wear Wigs

Reasons for Wearing Wigs

Symbol of Anonymity

One of the primary reasons lawyers wear wigs is to promote anonymity. The wig helps to conceal the lawyer’s personal identity, allowing them to represent their client without personal biases or opinions influencing the proceedings.

  • Neutral Representation: By wearing a wig, a lawyer’s individuality is minimized, emphasizing their role as an impartial advocate for justice.

Tradition and Continuity

Wearing wigs in courtrooms is a powerful symbol of tradition and continuity within the legal system. It connects contemporary legal practices to centuries of legal history, reinforcing the stability and longevity of the legal profession.

  • Historical Connection: The tradition of wearing wigs ties modern legal professionals to their historical predecessors, fostering a sense of continuity and respect for the past.

Authority and Respect

Wigs are also symbols of authority and respect within the courtroom. They distinguish legal professionals from others in the court and signify their knowledge, expertise, and responsibility.

  • Professional Distinction: The wig sets lawyers and judges apart, highlighting their specialized role and the serious nature of legal proceedings.

Symbolic Significance

Impartiality and Objectivity

Wearing a wig is a visual reminder of the impartiality and objectivity required in the legal profession. It signifies that the lawyer or judge is not acting on personal motives but is upholding the law and seeking justice.

  • Symbol of Justice: The wig serves as a symbol of the legal systemโ€™s commitment to fairness and objectivity.

Equality Before the Law

The uniform appearance of legal professionals, achieved through the wearing of wigs, underscores the principle of equality before the law. It signifies that all individuals, regardless of their background, are subject to the same legal standards.

  • Uniformity: Wigs contribute to the uniform appearance of the court, reinforcing the notion that the law is impartial and applies equally to everyone.

Continuity and Stability

The enduring tradition of wearing wigs in courtrooms symbolizes the stability and continuity of the legal system. It reassures the public that the legal process is grounded in long-standing principles and practices.

  • Public Confidence: The consistency of courtroom attire, including wigs, helps to build public confidence in the legal systemโ€™s reliability and integrity.

The Future of Legal Wigs

The Future of Legal Wigs

Modern Perspectives

In recent years, there has been debate about the relevance of wigs in modern legal systems. Some argue that wigs are outdated and uncomfortable, while others believe they are essential for maintaining tradition and professionalism.

  • Arguments for Retaining Wigs: Proponents argue that wigs preserve the dignity of the court and maintain a sense of occasion and formality.
  • Arguments for Abandoning Wigs: Critics suggest that wigs are anachronistic and may create a barrier between the legal profession and the public.

Changes and Adaptations

Some jurisdictions have already made changes to the tradition of wearing wigs. For example, in 2008, the UKโ€™s Lord Chief Justice announced that judges in civil and family cases would no longer wear wigs, although they remain in criminal courts.

  • Adaptations in Dress Codes: Changes in legal dress codes reflect evolving attitudes towards tradition and modernity in the legal profession.

The tradition of lawyers wearing wigs is steeped in history and symbolism. From promoting anonymity and impartiality to signifying authority and continuity, wigs play a significant role in the legal profession.


Why did wigs become popular among lawyers in the 17th century?

  • Wigs became fashionable in Europe due to French influence and were adopted by the English upper classes, including lawyers, as symbols of status and wealth.

Do all countries require lawyers to wear wigs?

  • No, the tradition is primarily observed in countries with a historical connection to British legal traditions, such as the UK, Australia, and some former British colonies.

Are there any practical reasons for wearing wigs today?

  • While primarily symbolic, wigs help to maintain the formal and respectful atmosphere of the courtroom, and emphasize the lawyer’s role as a representative of the law rather than an individual.

Are legal wigs still required in modern courtrooms?

  • It depends on the jurisdiction. Some areas have relaxed or modified dress codes, while others continue to uphold the tradition, particularly in criminal courts.

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