As known, nothing in life is perfect – those with straight hair strive to curl it, while those with curly hair are equally keen to straighten theirs. Representatives of the Black ethnicity are particularly “unfortunate” in this regard – their hair is not just curly like little demons, but also hard and very resilient. Previously, African American women had not many options on how to manage such hair. It was either afro styles or huge afros like Angela Davis, which usually suited a minority. Or tightly tied buns and various braids. Or just wearing a cloth on the head to cover this “shame”. What a shame – African women have a very delicate issue: many of them start going bald from the forehead and temples with age, which is unattractive for anyone.

A Lucrative Market

Overall, it seems like the hairdressing industry in America has evolved over the last thirty years under the pressure of black hair issues. Various wigs and hairpieces, along with long-lasting secure attachment methods, work particularly well. They say, overall, “black” hair products might be the most profitable business within the black community. With wigs, black women finally felt that they could have a very diverse hairstyle, instead of terrifying buns or sleek and tightly combed hair. These wigs come with soft straight hair, bangs, bobs, long curls – they suit most dark-skinned women.

Wigs That Turn Back Time

Wigs That Turn Back Time

Those who have watched the series “How to Get Away with Murder” remember the somewhat shocking moment when the sleek, luxurious black female lawyer takes off her makeup and wig at home. In half a minute, she instantly aged twenty years without cutting a very suitable hairstyle for her. Nowadays, it’s even hard to find African American women with natural hair on TV – some, like Oprah Winfrey, make efforts to regularly straighten their hair, while others opt for wigs. And today’s wigs are simply miraculous, completely natural, fitting snugly, and you wouldn’t guess at close range that this hair isn’t their own. Or rather, you can easily guess – as long as you know African American women don’t have their own straight, soft, long hair. Today’s wigs are made of thin nets, actually glued and sewn onto the head. The excess mesh along the edges is cut off (for a complete effect, there are even “baby hairs” on top) and covered with foundation along the cutting line. The wig is actually sewn into the rest of the hair – black women look twenty years younger all at once

The Impact of Hairstyles on Professional Opportunities

The Impact of Hairstyles on Professional Opportunities

That’s it, you can live with such a wig for several weeks, as if it’s your own straight, well-groomed hair. Studies even show that African American women with straight hair are more likely to find jobs and earn higher wages than black women with curly hair. There are several reasons here: women with beautiful, fashionable hairstyles feel more confident, and employers, all else being equal, prefer black women who have straightened their hair, seeing this as an expression of self-discipline and presentation. Although no black woman admits wanting to make themselves look “white,” they are never willing to give up straighteners and wigs. After all, the difference in appearance is obvious. Leading the way in wig enthusiasts are, of course, celebrities. What else can help you quickly and thoroughly change the color, length, structure of your hair, or just guarantee a decent, tidy appearance besides wigs. But of course, white people wear wigs too, even men. The attentive paparazzi naturally know where to look, what to capture, so there’s plenty of celebrity photos online highlighting the mesh edges of wigs.

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